Huge group of 236 1970 thru 1978 Baltimore Orioles Team issued postcards with over half of them signed. The majority obtained by Orioles longtime Pithing Coach George Bamberger, a friend of the consignor. The group breaksdown as follows:
1970-28 photos with 14 signed - Bamberger, Salmon, Buford, Dalrymple, Staller, Hall, McNally, Hardin, Powell, Frey, Richert, Motton, Watt and Rettenmund.
1971-30 photos with 7 signed - DaVanon, Etchebarren, Dukes, Dalrymple, Staller, Weaver and Shopay.
1972-24 photos with 14 signed - Watt, Hendricks, Bamberger, Hunter, Baylor, Coggins, Jackson, Grich, Cuellar, Crowley, Rettenmund, Blair, Belanger and Frey.
1973-74 28 photos with 16 signed - Jefferson, Fuller, Alexander, Coggins, Cabell, Brown, Davis, Baker, Hood, Johnson, Harrison, McNally, Oates, Reynolds, Williams and Bumbry. Also includes a postally used and signed Brooks Robinson postcard, postmarked 1974.
1975-77 63 photos with 41 signed - Stillman, Muser, May, Garland(2 diff.), Dempsey, Bailor, Martinez, Miller, Blair, Belanger(2 diff.), Johnson, Ripken, Davis, Reynolds, Bumbry(2 diff.), Bamberger(2 diff.), Alexander, May, Northrup, Hunter, Duncan(2 diff.), DeCinces(2 diff.), Shopay, Frey(2 diff.), Brooks Robinson, Torrez(2 diff.), Weaver(2 diff.), Nordbrook, Grimsley, Mitchell, Singleton(2 diff.) and Jackson.
1976 10 photos with 5 signed - Pagan, Holdsworth, Hunter, Flanagan and Miller.
1977 20 photos with 13 signed - McGregor, Bumbry, Weaver, Smith, DeCinces, Martinez, Harlow, Skaggs, Hunter, Singleton, Kelly, Grimsley, and Shopay.
1978 33 photos with 14 signed -Harlow, Flanagan, Briles, Bumbry, McGregor, Stanhouse, Skaggs, Miller, Roenicke, Singleton, Ripken, Belanger, Kelly and DeCinces.
A treasure trove for the Orioles collector or reseller. A sampling shown, please ask for any others needed.